What We Do
Through regular fund-raising efforts, the Foundation supports:

The burdens of hunt operational expenses including extraordinary veterinary costs. The Hounds Foundation maintains a restricted account called “Archer’s Angels”, named after a badly injured Radnor hound who was struck by a truck and, through costly veterinary care, made a complete recovery. The fund continues to support this type of need.

The Foundation also provides GPS Collars and tracking devices to assist in the safety of the hounds. Underwriting Radios linking Masters, Staff and the Hound Truck also aid in protecting the hunt’s most valuable assets.

Renovations and expansion of proper stabling of Staff Horses were funded through the Foundation’s fund raising efforts.

The Hounds Foundation supports mission specific events such as sponsoring the Brandywine Hills Point to Point Races, which benefit the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance and its efforts to preserve open space.

The Bryn Mawr Hound Show, the nation’s oldest.

The Radnor Hunt Pony Club Horse Show promoting the next generation of foxhunters.

The annual “Foxhunting 101” instructional strives to encourage prospective foxhunters by explaining the history of hunting with hounds, the protocols of the hunt Field, the meaning of horn calls, care of the hounds, breeding tips, and tours of the kennels. This “seminar series” is also sponsored by the Hounds Foundation.